Local author pens second children’s book

Winner of Mom’s Choice Award Karen Berglund

October 21, 2024, 9:39 am
Joey Light

Children’s author Karen Berglund of Moosomin has written her second children’s book, Amos the Famous.

Karen Berglund of Moosomin had big dreams for her second children’s book entitled Amos the Famous. Released in early September, Berglund’s book has already earned #1 Best Seller Status in several categories on Amazon.

Where does Berglund find her inspiration?
“I always tell my students to write about what they know and what they love, so the inspiration for my first book was my three Pomeranians which of course are all quirky in their own way. Amos the Famous came to me at 4 o’clock in the morning, I just woke up and could not sleep, so I got up and sat down at my computer and started typing, I went until about noon and got about 80 per cent done. At that point I had to choose what manuscript to go with, I found Call me Quirky was more challenging so I decided to go with that one first. I was working with Miriam Laundry Publishing and their editor is Sharon Jennings, she is the lady that took over the Franklin books, she became the ghost writer for the rest of the books and the TV series. When I heard that Miriam Laundry had Sharon Jennings as their editor I decided to go with them and have her be my editor too. I thought my first book was so much fun to do so I went ahead with my second one. It was when I took my manuscript out from almost a year ago I realized it was going to take more work than I thought. I rewrote the whole story in prose and still couldn’t make the ending work out so I went back to doing it in rhyme and finished it. After many drafts and editing again I was able to complete the manuscript and send it into illustration.”

Teaching background
Berglund said her teaching background is part of the reason she started writing children’s books.

“My teaching background, I was mainly a grade 3 teacher and I used picture books and rhyming books in my classes all the time and it just seemed like something I could do. I do have a junior novel in the works but I started with this, so I do think I will branch out from Children’s Books. My favorite part about being a Children’s Book Author is being in the schools. I just really like going into schools now, I get to share my story with the kids and I wrote certain things in there and I can share that message with the kids. Also just seeing their faces, sometimes people send me pictures of their kids reading my books and it just really makes me happy. My biggest dream is to read in schools in every province in Canada. Now that both of my books are done I do want to start doing more visits to schools and libraries, starting in Saskatchewan and branching out further.”

Message to children
Berglund says she uses animals to help get her message through to her young readers.

“In both books I used animals to get my messages across to children. In my first book I wanted kids to understand perspective, how to see something from somebody else’s point of view.

“It’s very natural when kids are growing up that they are very egocentric when they are small it’s always me, me, me and they gradually grow out of that. So I used animals to get that point across to kids, I also learned from this story that it’s important to always follow your dreams because you never know who you are going to help. However the teacher in me had to include a few more things, I have vowels, consonants, and syllables in the clues and I also included some social skills and manners in there as well.”

Positive reactions
Berglund said she is thrilled with the response to her books.

“My first book I was really thrilled that people were very receptive to me announcing I was going to become an author. That was very out of my comfort zone for me, my identity has always been as an elementary school teacher and to became an author was a scary step to take but I did it and I was so very thrilled that so many people were so happy for me.”

Coaching new authors
Berglund has now been contracted by her publisher, Miriam Laundry Publishing, to coach other aspiring authors.
“One of my favourite things about teaching was reading stories and poetry to children. But I was always so curious about the author, their motivation, and inspiration behind their books. Now, in my new role as author coach, I get to witness this process full circle—from inspiration, to writing, editing, illustrating, and book design. It’s so rewarding to watch new authors hold their book in their hands for the first time. When I started this process of writing a book I really had no idea where to start, I had no idea what was involved in writing a children’s book. I looked online and started taking a children’s books master class. They walk you through the process of the writing, editing, and illustration. They introduced me to so many things I never even dreamed were a part of writing s book, like a Book Designer, who takes the manuscript and the artwork and puts it all together. I took this master class through Miriam Laundry Publishing, she also taught a program where she could use her team to publish your book, so I was able to use her editing and her book designer. Her team did all of the things that are a part of the book. Every month I got to meet with a one-on-one coach, we would talk through some of the issues, struggles, and questions I would have. It was a very pleasant way to do it, I enjoyed it so much it was very easy to say yes and do my second book with the same company. I was able to go to Niagara Falls and meet with my publisher, she put on an event with the community and I met many of the other author coaches and authors. It’s a community that I still have today, it was at that point that Miriam approached me and asked if I would became an author coach, because her business is growing now too. So now I get to meet with other authors who are in the shoes that I was in a year and a half ago, not knowing what to do, so helping them get through that same process. Now when I meet with my clients I start with them from the very first notion of writing a book and I help them through the entire process of writing and finding an illustrator, it’s just very rewarding at the end of the program I can see them holding their books too. The most challenging part to me was marketing and putting yourself out there. I don’t think people realize when an author writes a book it’s not just automatically out there in the world, you have to do your marketing. That’s pretty challenging for someone like me, it’s a step out of my comfort zone and going out to places and promote my book. So that’s definitely my personal challenge, putting myself out there and going out of my comfort zone.”

Gold Medal
Berglund recently received word that Amos the Famous has also been awarded a gold medal from the Mom’s Choice Awards.

“That was really something because I find it challenging to promote myself but when I’m promoting my books it’s all about only my book, but when you win an award it’s like you have to promote yourself and that’s hard for me, so I’m just learning to process something like that and go with it. It’s very exciting, I will get more exposure now because of this award, the book will be featured on their website and blogs and I will be doing an interview with them so i’m very excited.”

Advice for authors
Berglund shares her advice to aspiring authors.

“Do it, you must do it. Just keep writing and don’t put it off,” she said, “because if you put it off the days, weeks and months go by and all the sudden a year has gone by.

“Surround yourself with like-minded people and find your writing community and it will take off from there.”

Where to buy books
Karen Berglund will be at the MVAC Christmas Market on Nov. 2 at the Armoury in Moosomin, SK.

Both Karen Berglund’s books are currently on Amazon as well.

